The Three Things Authentic People Do

Let’s dive deep into what makes authentic people truly shine! Authenticity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a lifestyle that can

Let’s dive deep into what makes authentic people truly shine! Authenticity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a lifestyle that can transform how we interact with the world. Here are the three key things that authentic people do:

1. They KNOW Themselves

Authentic people have a crystal-clear understanding of who they are. They know their likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, and what they’re willing or not willing to do. They live in the present moment, fully aware of their inner world. Here’s a little secret: when you really know yourself, you can make choices that align with your true self, leading to a happier and more fulfilling life.

Picture waking up every day and knowing exactly what makes you tick. Authentic people take the time to explore their passions and interests and aren’t afraid to pursue what brings them joy. This self-awareness allows them to avoid activities and relationships that drain their energy.

Do you know what truly excites you or what you’re exceptionally good at? Authentic people do, and they lean into these strengths wholeheartedly. They also recognize their limitations and aren’t afraid to say “no” to things that don’t resonate with their core values. This level of self-knowledge not only boosts confidence but also fosters a sense of peace and fulfilment.

2. They OWN Themselves

An authentic person stands firm in their truth. They won’t let others sway them or bully them into positions they don’t agree with. They take responsibility for their choices and don’t play the blame game. Instead, they learn from their mistakes and set clearer goals. They know and respect boundaries—theirs and others. This self-ownership empowers them to live life on their terms and build honest relationships.

When you own yourself, you accept both your strengths and your flaws. Authentic people acknowledge their mistakes without letting these define them. They understand that errors are just stepping stones to growth and learning. This mindset shift is powerful because it turns setbacks into opportunities for improvement.

Authentic people also set clear boundaries, which is essential for maintaining healthy relationships and self-respect. They understand their limits and communicate them effectively, ensuring their personal space and mental well-being are honoured. Additionally, they respect the boundaries of others, creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding.

3. They ARE Themselves

Authentic people are the real deal. They say what they mean and mean what they say. Openness and transparency are their go-to strategies, both with themselves and others. They don’t wear masks or pretend to be someone they’re not just to fit in. Being true to oneself attracts genuine connections and opportunities.

Have you ever felt pressured to fit into a mould that just isn’t you? Authentic people break free from these societal expectations. They embrace their quirks and uniqueness, which makes them incredibly relatable and trustworthy. This authenticity shines through in their interactions, allowing them to create deeper and more meaningful connections.

Openness and transparency aren’t just about honesty with others; it’s also about being honest with oneself. Authentic people continuously check in with their feelings and thoughts, ensuring they stay true to their values. This level of self-honesty is liberating and paves the way for an authentic, fulfilling life.

Quick Exercise: The Authenticity Check-In

Ready to embrace your authentic self? Try this simple yet powerful exercise!

Step 1: Take a moment to reflect on three things you love about yourself. Write them down.  

Step 2: Think about a recent situation where you felt pressured to act against your true self. How did you handle it? What could you do differently next time?

Step 3: Set a boundary for yourself this week. It could be saying “no” to an extra task at work or setting aside “me time” without interruptions. Notice how it feels to honour that boundary.

Embracing authenticity isn’t an overnight switch; it’s a journey. But with small, consistent steps, you can live a life that’s true to who you are. So, what’s the first step you’re going to take to be more authentic today?

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About Mihai&Simona

Simona Purea

Coach, Public Speaker, Trainer and Author and Self-Love Expert. With a spirit that captivates and a heart that inspires, Simona fearlessly takes the stage to ignite change. Joining Toastmasters was a stepping stone to conquering her fears and perfectionism. As a certified trainer, she has guided hundreds of students through the art of body language and personal development. Her book, "A Journey Through Self-Development with the Guidance of Quotes," is a testament to the power of growth. Together, Mihai and Simona are soulmates committed to helping you find your true self, overcome anxiety, get rid of worries and embrace the beauty of loving yourself living a life full of happiness and peace.

Mihai-Alexandru Dumnicai

Coach, Trainer, Author, Conqueror of Depression, Certified Body Language Practitioner, Inspirational Speaker, and Self-Love Expert. Through his battle with deep depression, Mihai discovered the transformative power of self-love. As a certified practitioner in body language, he decoded unspoken messages to help others communicate confidently. From conquering shyness to becoming a trainer, he has empowered countless individuals to embrace their true potential. Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery and unlock the extraordinary within you.